Purchase Of Steam Table and Chest Freezer
Congratulations!!! to Margaret Goodloe and the Koonce family, thru the effort of chicken dinner sales, in March a chest type freezer was purchased with proceeds and a plaque was purchased in memory of Nadine and Melchie Koonce, also the purchase of a new steam table was in place for our June 3rd Sunday Dinner thru the efforts of the Goodloe and Koonce dinner sales.
Congratulations to Charlie Ice of Little Rock (a Holmanite )who won the gift basket, the drawing was held at our June 19th Sunday Dinner.
The fund raising will be on going to raise money for upkeep of building. We will have a chicken dinner sale this Friday June 24th.
There is a Memorial Plaque fund raiser, you can purchase a $25 Plaque in memory of your loved ones. for more information please contact Margaret Goodloe 870-830-7847
As always thank you for your continued support.